--On January 5, 2008 6:23:51 PM -0500 David Reiser 

> OK. I have one. The fink version of gnucash depends on guile 1.6.7
> (and slib 2d6) because it works, and I'd been hearing about bad
> behavior between guile 1.8 and slib. The release notes for slib 3a5
> specifically mention some improvements related to working with guile
> 1.8.
> What's the known-to-work slib version for guile 1.8? Has anyone tried
> slib 3a5 yet (released in late November)?

I tried to get 3a5 to work.  It didn't work with Gnucash, but I didn't 
try very hard since it was easier to just go back to 3a3 which does 
work (and which is the version MacPorts currently provides).

Mike Alexander           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ann Arbor, MI            PGP key ID: BEA343A6

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