On Mon, Dec 31, 2007 at 01:11:22PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> I think it'll be easier to explain with a little context.  I have hundreds 
> of paycheck entries in Quicken 2004 each of which is a split transaction 
> that has (among other things) two transfers from a checking account to a 
> retirement account: one for the employee's contribution and one for the 
> employer's matching contribution.  These are for the same amount, between 
> the same accounts, with only the memo field different.
> The importer seems to remove these Quicken account <-> Quicken account 
> transfers from the split and put them into new separate GC transactions. 
> That part is fine (actually I wish it wouldn't but the account balances are 
> still correct).  The Quicken account <-> Quicken category transfers remain 
> in a GC split transaction.  The problem is that one of the retirement 
> transfers *also* stays in the GC split transaction.  In other words, where 
> we originally had two transfers from checking to retirement we now have 
> three.

Are you sure you're not confused by the multiple entries to the same
account causing the txn to show up twice? IOW, If you enter a txn and
have a credit to checking and two debits to the same other account,
fromt that other account, the txn will look like *two*. You could test
this by deleting the txn and seeing that both entries disappear.

> The problem disappears if the amounts are different.  The memo field 
> doesn't seem to change anything (in fact it gets attached to the wrong part 
> of the split but I vaguely remember seeing that bug/feature already 
> reported).

There is a fix in trunk for some of the QIF memo/notes issues that
will hopefully be in 2.2.3.

> Anyway, I created a sample QIF file (attached) that demonstrates the 
> behavior.  I didn't see anything in bugzilla but there are an awful lot of 
> importer bugs :-) and I may have missed it.  I'm quite happy to file a bug 
> report if people think this is a real and not a dupe.  I'm most interested 
> in a more immediate workaround if anybody has ideas: either on the Quicken 
> end or via a patch to the importer or even just a pointer to where in the 
> source I should look.

Haven't looked at your sample yet, but will later today.


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