On Dec 28, 2007 4:58 PM, Phil Longstaff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, I guess it's time to tackle the db selection/UI issues.
> The gda backend accepts URLs:
>    - gda://<provider>:<dbname>
>    - gda://@<gda_config_name>
> where <provider> is the provider name ("sqlite", "mysql" or "pgsql").
> If the first form is used, for mysql and pgsql, the dbname is the name
> of the database, while for sqlite, the dbname is the name of the dbfile
> (libgda adds ".db" to the end of the db file).  If the second form is
> used, gda_config_name is the name of a libgda configuration stored in
> ~/.libgda/config (I believe libgda supplies a tool to configure these).
> It also accepts file://<filename> URLs.  If the filename has the ".db"
> suffix, then it will be used if it exists and is an sqlite file or if it
> doesn't exist.  If it doesn't have the ".db" suffix, then it will be
> used if it doesn't exist.  This leaves the XML backend to handle
> xml://<filename> URLs and file://<filename> URLs where either the
> filename has ".db" but isn't an sqlite file, or doesn't have ".db" and
> does exist.
> The current file-based Open/Save As dialogs will work for XML and sqlite
> files, but not for the other db engine databases.
> Possibilities:
> 1) Modify the Open/Save As dialogs to allow it to handle gda:// URLs.
> 2) Leave Open/Save As to handle files, and add a "DB Connection" menu
> item/dialog.  If there was a session active, this user could save the
> contents to the session (or not) and could load the db.  This provides
> the db counterparts to Save As and Open respectively.
> My preference is for #2.  Of course, the DB connection dialog would
> create the gda:// URL which would then be persisted from session to
> session.
I think #2 makes more sense as well. If we ever move to a db backend with
any sort of multi-user capability (yes, long ways down the road, I know) the
modified open/save as dialogs would probably get confusing for the user.


> Phil
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