My personal feeling is that this is a great idea, and I'd welcome
patches.  On the other hand, as you say, the patches really need
to fit into the gnucash architecture and be clean, etc.  But yes,
I'd certainly be open to this idea.  I certainly have no objection
to people being paid to work on gnucash.


Christian Stimming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> A German university has set up a website for bringing together users who need 
> a feature, are willing to provide a bounty on that, and developers who are 
> interested in working on this.
> In contrast to plain bounty-collection which has been seen before, it seems 
> to 
> me this website is better on the "collecting input from several users" part, 
> in that multiple users can comment on the same wanted feature and commit to 
> various bounty amounts.
> However, the question of feature-wise bounties has been brought up before 
> here, and in general it didn't seem to attract any of the current developers. 
> Put another way: The current (!) developers all hack on gnucash because they 
> enjoy it, and part of the enjoyment is that we don't have to carry any 
> immediate responsibility to deliver this or that feature in this or that 
> timeframe. I don't think this will change in the near future with respect to 
> the current developers.
> However, a bounty-collection site like this might be of interest to motivate 
> new developers to do actual paid work on gnucash. The risk here is that "new 
> developers" cannot tell in advance whether their final patches to gnucash 
> will be accepted by the current developers or not. Usually they are, but 
> sometimes they are not. (This was the case e.g. in some of the branches in 
> gnucash's svn which have been started but not finished.)
> We (as the gnucash developers) should give some indication to the users 
> whether we want to encourage such a community-driven bounty collection or 
> whether we rather want to discourage this.
> (I, for one, think it is worth a try. As I already said, I don't expect this 
> to give any extra motivation for the current developers, but if it helps to 
> attract new developers, it would be a good thing.)
> Christian
> ----------  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  ----------
> Subject: [gnucash-de] - community innovation and funding
> Date: Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2007 16:21
> From: Thilo Pfennig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hallo,
> wäre das auch was für GnuCash:
> Thilo
> --
> PfennigSolutions - IT-Beratung- Wiki-Systeme
> c/o Thilo Pfennig - Sandkrug 28 - 24143 Kiel
> XING-Profil: -
> LinkedIn profile:
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