
thanks for reporting this problem. I'd suggest you add a new bugzilla entry 
but I've already another question:

Am Freitag, 22. Juni 2007 11:05 schrieb Ivars Grinbergs:
>    I've tried to use MS Win version of GnuCash (v2.1.4, built from r16170
> on 2007-06-18) on my Win XP Pro (SP2) laptop. The problem I encounter is
> that I cannot enter my local language (Latvian) correctly.
>    From keyboard I cannot enter specific characters of the Latvian language
>    into any GC field. 

We have to different entry fields (from an implementation point of view): 

The first kind are the normal (gtk) entry boxes, which come up for example 
when (in an account register window) you click the button "Transfer" in the 
toolbar or the menu entry Actions->Transfer. Is it possible to enter Latvian 
characters in the "Description" text field? If not, it's most likely a fault 
of the gtk library.

The other kind of entry boxes are those in the account register ("table") 
windows, where you see all the transactions in a window. If something doesn't 
work there, well, it's most likely our fault... 

Again thanks for your report and please add a description to bugzilla. Once 
you've entered the report there, you can also upload screenshots there, which 
would be quite helpful for seeing what you can enter.


>    However, I can do copy from other place (for 
> instance, notepad) and paste anywhere in GC correct symbols which are then
> correctly stored and displayed.
>    The specific chars are those:
>    ĒŖŪĪŌĀŠĢĶĻŽČŅēŗūīōāšģķļžčņ
>    Which correspond to “regular” chars:
>    ERUIOASGKLZCNeruioasgklzcn
>    This is what I can get form keyboard within GC:
>    ÈÙÌÒÀèùìòà
>    Which correspond to “regular” chars:
>    EUIOAeuioa
>    As you can see, for most chars keyboard typing is ignored.
>    To get Latvian language/keyboard, do this:
>    1. Enable language bar  (right-click taskbar, check Toolbars->Language
> bar); 2. Right-click keyboard icon in Language bar, add to „Installed
> Services” input language „Latvian” and keyboard layout „Latvian
> (~)”; 3. Now one should be able to choose „Latvian (~)” by
> left-clicking keyboard icon in Language bar and after that able to input
> specific chars – to get specific  char push an release tilde key ([~]
> near [1]) and after that corresponding “regular” char, for instance,
> keyboard sequence [~][a] should yield “ā” char.

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