I was just running the "Business --> Receivable Aging" report and noticed 
two entries past 90+ days.  One entry was for +$100 for customer A and one 
for -$100 for customer B.
I had a posted invoice for customer B and needed to change the customer to 
A.  In order to do this, I unposted the invoice for customer B, changed the 
customer, re-posted with customer A.  After I got paid and I applied the 
payment the tick mark in the invoices list didn't get set for the new 
customer A until I applied the payment a second time.  This cleared the 
entry of the aging report for customer A.
For customer B I had to go to the A/R account and delete the entry for 
customer B manually.

This problem sounds very much like one I've seen in the archives
and in Bugzilla
but I haven't seen it reported when customers got changed.

Let me know if you'd like me to enter this in Bugzilla.

I am running GC from svn r16072 on 2007-05-12 (FC5)

Volker Englisch
gnucash-devel mailing list

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