Dear sir/madam,
I am conducting a review of some of the key applications used by our
clients at Deloitte Enterprise Risk Services, particluarly around
password controls. I understand my colleague Khiran Mohit tried to get
in touch, albeit unsuccessfully, sometime in February (by email) in
order to obtain some information for this review. I plan to submit this
review document this afternoon and would be grateful if you could
provide me with the following information relating to the password
setting capbilities of the GnuCash application:

Minimum Password length (y/n)   
Password Complexity (y/n)
Password Expiry (y/n)
Password History (maximum no stored in history) (y/n)   
Password Lockout Time   (y/n)
Any further Comments relating to passwords

I will endeavour to follow up this email with a phone call at some point

p.s. only yes/no answers are required for password settings questions.

Many thanks!

Kind regards,

Gaspard Mendy

Technology Assurance and Advisory
Deloitte & Touche LLP

Direct: +44 (0) 20 7303 7229
Main:   +44 (0) 20 7936 3000
Fax:    +44 (0) 20 7583 1198
Mobile:+44 (0) 78 1807 5906


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London WC2R 1BL
United Kingdom

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