Mike Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>> - xaccTransScrubImbalance now scrubs the transaction two ways.  It
>>> makes sure the value is balanced, and it makes sure that the amounts
>>> balance separately for each commodity in the transaction.  This
>>> makes  capital gain splits as created by scrubbing lots unnecessary,
>>> although  existing capital gains splits won't hurt anything.

I'm trying to understand how do you this.  Let's say you have a simple

   TXN(USD)       Debits     Credits
   Cash(USD)                 $100
   Cash(EUR)      EUR65

What would your scrubber do?  Note that there is no gain or loss in
this transaction by itself.  The gain/loss only occurs when I move
back to USD with a second transaction in the opposite direction.

>>> - gnc_split_register_get_debcred_entry shows the split amount
>>> instead  of the split value.  It also shows the commodity symbol
>>> unless the  commodity is the register's commodity or the split has
>>> the focus.
>> I think it's likely that users will want to see both in some cases.
>> This is one of the things that is much easier with the register
>> rewrite.
> Yes, I agree, but that's more than I wanted to do now, especially with 
> the rewrite under way.

When I first did this I was having trouble getting it to print the
symbol in non-focus but print without the symbol in focus.  And the
split was still printing the 'amount', not the 'value', but it was
always converting to the local (register) currency.   Still, I agree,
I think users might want (and NEED) to see (or modify) both the
amount and the value.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        PGP key available
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