Do you think we can get the compression and F::Q support done in
this timeframe?


Quoting Christian Stimming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hash: SHA1
> Dear developers,
> I'd like to propose some release date planning for the next stable
> release series. The development in trunk has undergone quite a bunch of
> changes since branch-2.0 was split off in July 2006. The feature I've
> been working on (Windows port) of course is one major new feature, but
> I'm very sure there are other completely new features and improvements
> as well. For this reason, I think we should start to plan a new stable
> release series in the coming months, starting with some unstable/beta
> releases numbered 2.1.0 and so on, and eventually reaching a 2.2.0 release.
> I've proposed some dates for this on
> . For the parts I'm
> working on (Online banking, Windows), I would predict all
> not-yet-finished features will probably be finished within a few weeks.
> For that reason, I would propose unstable/beta releases as early as
> mid-March, and planning for a stable 2.2.0 release in mid-May. What do
> you think?
> With regards to the ideas about Summer of Code, I think those projects
> would be good for after-2.2.0, which IMHO is yet another reason to plan
> for a 2.2.0 before the summer. Also, I know a 2.2.0 in May probably
> means the register-rewrite won't make it this time, which is indeed
> unfortunate, but OTOH there are already enough other features which
> would IMHO justify a new stable series.
> Further comments, ideas, suggestions? Also, feel free to directly edit
> the wiki page.
> Christian
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> =A16C
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
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