On Fri, 2007-02-02 at 14:31 -0500, John Schmerge wrote:
>   I'm a developer who's been using gnucash for about six months and
> really like the program... It's allowed me to really start to track some
> things regarding my finances that I never thought about. Anyway, I'd
> like to start helping out with the development. Being that its a fairly
> large application and that my experience with scheme is fairly limited,
> can anyone give me some ideas of a couple of smaller tasks that I could
> start with that will get me some familiarity with the code-base as well
> as get me up to speed with scheme?

Very little of gnucash is in scheme.  At this point, mostly only the
reports.  Besides, if you have programming experience, you can pick up
enough scheme to be able to grok gnucash's use of it pretty easily.

As for getting yourself into development:

- build it from sources <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Building>

- fix a bug that's vexing you, or an existing bug

  There are a couple of gnome-love <http://live.gnome.org/GnomeLove>
bugs there that are explicitly for beginners to the source,
unfortunately they both look to be scheme/report bugs...

- expand from there.

http://asynchronous.org/ - a=jsled;b=asynchronous.org;echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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