On 2/1/07, Derek Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quoting Josh Sled <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > To preempt your question about "how do you tell a broken datafile from
> > one with simply new tags?", I say: "you don't".  You let XML
> > well-formed-ness deal with really corrupted datafiles, and you ignore
> > any tags or attributes that you don't recognize.   If you then ignore
> > valid future data, fine; if you ignore invalid/broken data, fine.  The
> > utility of reading a wider set of datafiles is higher than the risk of
> > reading inconsistent data, with some amount of care taken in the future.
> I still maintain that loading-and-ignoring is WORSE than failing-to-load.
> When you load-and-ignore, then when you save you've now LOST data, and
> worse, you've lost it silently!  I think that's worse than just failing to
> load the datafile.
> As a lurking user, I'd like to say that data should not be lost silently.
At worst, display a message so that the user can abort the load.

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