On Tue, 2007-01-09 at 10:50 -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
> As for building the PocketPC software..  You're welcome to work
> on something like that.  I dont think we have a clear idea of
> import or export.  There was one project to use QOF/QSF as
> the import/export methods; you're welcome to retake that
> approach.

FWIW, I suggest rejecting the QOF/QSF approach; a data format specific
to importing or synchronizing transactions is much more tractable.

> There are other open source financial applications.  I know of no open
> XML formats.  I dont know whether we should create one, and even if we
> did I dont see any reason to switch to it unless there is major buy-in

Talk about open XML formats at this point is putting the cart before the
horse.  Get synchronization working between the (PocketPC) app and
GnuCash, and it'll be much more clear what that format needs to be, or
if one is needed.

http://asynchronous.org/ - a=jsled;b=asynchronous.org;echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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