On Sat, Dec 09, 2006 at 12:53:35PM -0500, Josh Sled wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-12-08 at 17:34 -0500, Phil Longstaff wrote:
> > I'm working on saving/restoring scheduled transactions, and have some
> > questions:
> > 
> > 1) Accounts - The only difference I can see between regular accounts and
> > the accounts created for scheduled transactions is in the currency - the
> > currency for scheduled transactions is in the "template" namespace.
> > Anything else?  Could we have a new account type called TEMPLATE so that
> > I wouldn't need a really complex query to load just the regular
> > accounts?
> Until this is fixed (*), I think it's safe to have a separate
> account-type, yes.  As per the other thread, I agree: a bit isn't
> sufficient, a whole separate rooted tree is The Right Thing, and a bit
> will probably suffice for the moment. :)
> (*) This really should be fixed: the template-transaction accounts
> should probably be a more literal mirror of the real account tree, in
> terms of types and commodities.  The whole point of using real Accounts
> and Transactions for the template transactions was to leverage the
> editor (register) and the implicit application constraints for the
> template transactions ... I didn't want to re-implment or re-specify a
> bunch of logic around "template" transactions seperate from "real"
> transactions, and especially not the register component.  But for a few
> reasons, they did diverge.  In any case, it'd be nice if they were
> closer together, but that's not a focus of the branches/sx-cleanup/,
> right now.

I know I've mentioned this to jsled, but FTR, I would recommend taking
this one step farther... by making SXs real transactions, using real
accounts and real splits, but simply flagged at the transaction-level
as "SX".  Then, we make the normal transaction queries exclude SX

As far as register integration goes, then it's just a matter of adding
a treeviewcolumn that knows how to display, edit and store (in KVP)
the formula-amounts.


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