On Fri, Oct 20, 2006 at 12:40:52AM -0400, David Reiser wrote:
> On Oct 20, 2006, at 12:17 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:
> >There is no compilation ...  Just a path.  I suppose we could add a
> >--with-swig-path switch, but why not just set $PATH accordingly?
> Um. Because I wasn't paying close enough attention?
> While I'm displaying my ignorance, how is it I keep the $PATH  
> modification local to the build? I keep my gnucash svn builds out of  
> my normal path so I have fewer conflicts in my attempts at making  
> fink versions work. I tend to lose track of environment changes that  
> work in one instance but interfere in another. I did build swig  
> 1.3.29 in /opt last weekend, but I haven't built anything with it.  
> Fink's latest swig is 1.3.20.

All the tool paths are set by ./configure.  If you want to run with
another tool version (e.g. swig or gcc), you can just tweak the PATH
before running ./configure.  For example,

$ PATH=/opt/gcc-5/bin:/opt/swig-1.3.30/bin ./configure --prefix=/opt/gnucash

After that, the path to the tool is used in all the Makefiles, without
any environment changes.

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