Quoting Josh Sled <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
One fly in the ointment is the [Media]wiki style, which I'm loath to
customize (well, really: loath to maintain the changes when we upgrade
that source). The image there (which is presently not visible because
of error because the image it's referenced moved from underneath it) is
a simply-scaled version of the www.gnucash.org header logo to fit, IIRC,
in 120 pixels of width.
I'd personally really love it if the MediaWiki had the same look-and-feel
as the main website.. But unfortunately I suspect that the CSS would need
to be different. Having the same chrome would be really sweet!! BUT..
We should "finalize" the new website look-and-feel first and then translate
that over to the MediaWiki (and maybe Trac?)
BTW, is there interest in updating the website layout? I would be
interested in doing graphics and layout for it, if so. I'm not saying
it needs to be, just wondering.
I'm personally fine with the soon-to-be-current layout as per
http://www.gnucash.org/beta/ , which is *slightly* different than the
front-page one)... but if a super-nice new one came along, it might be
enough to overcome inertia.
I have no objections to the current prosed chrome, but I have no objections
to new chrome.
Note that there is also the mailing-list search layout at
http://lists.gnucash.org/beta/search/ , as well as the aforementioned
wiki to consider. Ideally, they'd all feel similar in the simplest way
I'm currently working on the mail-list search out of htdocs/trunk/search
to make it work with the existing website chrome. Right now I'm working
on getting the translations to work through PHP, but I think I've got
that all set. Once I get all the "existing" translations back into the
.po files I'll probably migrate the "beta search" site on the server
over to this site to see how it works. But feel free to look at r14231
for my current code and translations.
In terms of a reworked chrome for the new site, so long as the CSS is
the same then the new mail-search should take on that chrome automatically.
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
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