Hi David

Do you think this example should be in the Investment chapter, or
somewhere else?
If in Investment chapter, do you want me to write up a patch with
screenshots or will you do it?


--------------------------- Ursprungligt brev ----------------------------
Ärende: Guide: Extra stock purchase example. Comments?
Från:   "Bengt Thuree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Datum:  Ti, 2006-04-11, 21:01
Till:   gnucash-devel@gnucash.org

A more complicated example

This example will show how to deal with having stocks in a different
currency than your normal currency.

In this example we live in America and therefore we have set the default
Currency to USD.
We have some stocks in Hong Kong, as well as in Sweden.
Our employer gives us an opportunity to invest in our company stock
through a broker in US, but the stock is traden in Sweden.

We would also like to be able to track the various income and expenses per
stock and broker.

This gives us the following account setup.

Default Currency USD

Commodity       Type                    Symbol
ERIC            Yahoo Europe            ERIC.ST
0694            HKSE                    0694.HK

<Screen shot>

Assets:Investments:Brokerage Account:CitiGroup:Bank             (SEK)
Assets:Investments:Brokerage Account:CitiGroup:ERIC             ERIC.ST
Assets:Investments:Brokerage Account:Boom:Bank                  (HKD)
Assets:Investments:Brokerage Account:Boom:0694                  0694.HK
Assets:Investments:Brokerage Account:SEB:Bank                   (SEK)
Assets:Investments:Brokerage Account:SEB:ERIC                   ERIC.ST

Expenses:Investments:Commission:Boom_HKD                        (HKD)
Expenses:Investments:Commission:Boom_HKD:0694                   (HKD)
Expenses:Investments:Commission:SEB_SEK                 (SEK)
Expenses:Investments:Commission:SEB_SEK:ERIC                    (SEK)
Expenses:Investments:Commission:CitiGroup_SEK                   (SEK)

Income:Investments:Dividend:Boom_HKD:0694                       (HKD)
Income:Investments:Dividend:SEB_SEK:ERIC                        (SEK)
Income:Investments:Dividend:CitiGroup:ERIC                      (SEK)

Equity:Opening Balances:HKD                                     (HKD)
Equity:Opening Balances:SEK                                     (SEK)

<Screen shot>

There is currently a small bug in GnuCash, that makes it impossible to buy
a stock in a different currency than the default directly from the
commodity account. The simple workaround is to open the associated bank
account and enter the transaction from here.

If you have not moved some cash to the corresponding stocks bank
account, do so now. Either using the Equity account, or by transfering
money from an existing bank account.

Lets buy some Beijing Airport stocks (Afterall the 2008 Olympics in
Beijing should bring in a lot of business to the airport)

Open Assets:Investments:Brokerage Account:Boom:Bank
Enter the following transaction data
Buy Stocks
        Assets:Investments:Brokerage Account:Boom:Bank                          
Withdrawal 10,000
Expenses:Investments:Commission:Boom_HKD            Deposit 500
        Assets:Investments:Brokerage Account:Boom:0694      Deposit 9,500
If the "Exchange Data" dialog popup do not appear, open it manually by
right click on the last row, and select "Edit Exchange Data"
In the following pop up window, enter the actual number of stocks in the
last entry box
 (not the default entry box)
<screen shot of exchange dialog>

When you exit the exchange dialog, GnuCash will have updated the stock
purchase transaction with all relevant data.

<screen shot of final transaction>

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Bengt Thuree   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    www.thuree.com/bt

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