On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 10:57:28AM -0400, Josh Sled wrote:
> [Linas, I hope this message reaches you; I'm not sure which email
> address works for you; [EMAIL PROTECTED] never seems to get a response.]

That address is mail-bombed by 5K-10K spams a day, and I'm
finding it very hard to keep it usable.  If there are any glitches,
the 1 GB-sized /var/ directories on the mail spoolers fill up, and 
then I have to go manually clean those up. I also suspect that the
spam filtering setup is discarding valid messages as well.  :-(

The IBM address is limited to only a few dozen spams a day.
And I have to read it to stay employed :-)

> For a while now, presently, and especially with the recent work Neil has
> done and the gnucash 2.0 release coming up, it would be nice to have a
> way to effect (large-scale) change on www.gnucash.org.


> I understand that it's been discussed (off-list) to do some sort of
> commit-invoked notification to inform www.gnucash.org to update from
> SVN... I'm wondering when you will set that up?  

"Real soon now" .. maybe even later today if I'm not feeling too

> Is there anything
> preventing it? 

I have to grep for the old email that that described what needed to be
done ... 

> How can I help hasten the setup?

Remind me again what needs to be done; i.e. the addr of the svn
repository and how to pull from it.

My plan was: 
-- pull down svn once by hand, make sure its OK.
-- Copy it into place.
-- set up a cron job to pull nightly
-- set up some sort of "port knocker" that would initiate 
   a pull on demand.  Do you ave any preferences/suggestions 
   for how to do this?


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