On Thu, 2006-04-13 at 07:35 +0800, Bengt Thuree wrote:

> But I still have seen at least 3 questions on how to get online quotes
> from cron tab, 

Adding the following line to your crontab will retrieve quotes on the
first of each month at midnight local time:

  0 0 1 * * gnucash --add-price-quotes $HOME/test_account

Standard cron caveats apply.  I.E. the program must be found in the
standard search path (which for cron is /usr/bin:/bin), and the path
name must be a full path if cron doesn't automatically change to your
home directory.  See the crontab(5) man page for more details.

> and people do not have a clue of what the gnucash.xac is.

It was an example name for a data file.  The program was originally
called xaccountant, thus the ".xac" extension. 

> I still think this part can be clarified in chapter 8. Clarified, not
> detailed...

Does this help?


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