Chris Lyttle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Bengt Thuree wrote:
>> With the great responce on the Wiki for concept guide, I guess we will do
>> it directly in docbook and diff's or? At least until we get an indication
>> it is worth it to do the manual work from Wiki to DocBook (that is people
>> actually add to the wiki...)
>> Perhaps Derek can arrange to have a Development ConceptGuide that is
>> created from SVN a few times per day? Makes it a lot easier to see and
>> comment on the real thing so to speak.
> As the releases of docs don't need to be in sync with main gnucash 
> releases we could release new ones as often as they have significant 
> updates. That being said I will reiterate that the docs wont be just 
> automatically imported to svn but will need to go through an editing 
> process to be approved for inclusion. Wiki's imho have to much 
> possibility of  having  non-relevant content added for it to be an 
> automatic process.

I think the point of this request is that they'd like to have an
"online" version of the gnucash-docs SVN repo.  That's easy to do.
Basically, every time there's a commit to gnucash-docs I can force
a rebuild of the online version.

> Chris


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
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