Neil Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The way QOF handled #include <glib.h> and other library headers in previous 
> versions has led to applications depending on libqof having spurious 
> dependencies and these cause packaging errors. (binary X links against 
> library Y but does not use any symbols).
> This has been fixed in QOF CVS by preventing QOF headers from transparently 
> including indirect dependencies - in the case of gnucash this means that 
> #include <qof.h> no longer implicitly includes <glib.h> - and by fixing the 
> pkg-config file to make QOF dependencies (like glib) private to qof. The 
> pkg-config --libs line is now just:
> -lqof
> (Before it referenced -lz, -lm, -lgda2, -lglib-2.0 and others, all of which 
> simply duplicated the symbols from other libraries.)

Please don't change this.  pkg-config --libs libqof should give me
EVERYTHING I need properly link libqof.  It should not be the job of
every user of your library to figure out what your build-time
dependencies are.... Unless, of course, I don't need to link against
-lgda2 when I link against -lqof?

I.e., I should be able to just use the libqof pkgconfig library list
to link against a qof app.  I shouldn't have to know e.g. glib2.


> loaded. This option adds two translatable strings to QOF and gnucash. These 
> changes therefore need to be committed to gnucash svn prior to the QOF 0.6.4 
> release, in time for the gnucash string freeze. I'm hoping to make that 
> commit tomorrow.

The string freeze is delayed until we solve the gnucash-1.8 encoding
update issues..  So no rush to get the new string in there.

> QOF 0.6.4 is scheduled for release April 17th. This will be the final qof 
> release prior to gnucash 2.0. 

hopefully...  You never know if we find more bugs.. ;)

> All lib/libqof/ changes up to r13741 are already implemented in QOF CVS.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        PGP key available
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