Sorry about this message. I realized (after 2 weeks of trying to build) that the error was due to the wrong version of the g-wrap library i was using on my system. It got fixed and I have it up and running.

- Navneet

On 2/9/06, Christian Stimming < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Navneet Karnani schrieb:
> I tried downloading the tar.gz and extracting it. Realized i had to do a
> build to install and run it. Tried that too, but it fails. Gives me some
> compilation errors related to some int fields. Anything I am doing wrong
> ? Can i get a binary release from somewhere ?

This is an unstable release, intended for developers and testers.
(Exactly as written in the announcement!) If you are not familiar with
building from source code, including with how to deal with compilation
errors, then you should not use this right now. Please wait a few months
until your distribution will offer binary packages for you.

(Having said that, you would at least have to send the full error
message here, plus the relevant version numbers of your compile
environment, like gcc, distribution, gtk versions etc)

Christian Stimming

- Navneet
... and you thought the world was a big place

- Navneet
... and you thought the world was a big place
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