I've been a very happy user of gnucash now for several years, and with
the release of 1.9.0 decided I should try to give back by being a
tester, but I'm having trouble running my newly build version:

I'm using Kubuntu 5.10 (pretty fresh install), and installed the 1.9
source tarball, and using the package manager downloaded all the
dependencies to build gnucash (this is my first attempt).  It went
better than "nightmare" with the only interesting case being the
missing g-wrap-wct.h file as described in

I created the file as described in that message, and 1.9 builds:

  ./configure --prefix=/tmp/gnucash/
  make install

I created a new user and ran gnucash in that user's home directory.
gnucash popped up a dialog indicating that the configuration files
were not in their expected location and offered to do the setup for
me.  I selected all default options.  1.9 then died with:

  <unnamed port>: In procedure scm-error in expression (scm-error (quote 
misc-error) #f ...):
  <unnamed port>: no code for module (g-wrap gw standard)

I've found lots of references to this sort of error, but all about
building, not running.  Note that GnuCash 1.8.10 is also installed on
this machine.  I can get a fresh machine without gnucash installed and
rebuild if that is necessary, or provide additional details of machine
configuration, etc.

Like I said above, I was hoping to be helpful, so, only respond if
it seems worth your while.  I can certainly wait for a packaged

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