Can you update to 13129 and try again?  If you can still do this
then please file a bug report in bugzilla.  I know that there were
fixes for the gconf settings.  I don't know about the File Save-As.


Mark Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I built and installed g2 by:
> make distclean
> svn co http:/
> ./
> ./configure --enable-opt-style-install --prefix=/opt/gnucash-svn
> make
> su
> make install
> The revision obtained was 12327.
> I changed to the directory /opt/gnucash-svn/bin and ran gnucash from 
> there (the directory is not on my PATH).  When I started it, it put up a 
> druid for some configuration.  I did not note the specifics of this, but 
> it was something to do with a path  in .gconf.
> I was able to create a few accounts, but when I tried to enter 
> transactions, the numbers would disappear when I left the cells by 
> either tabbing or pressing enter. 
> When I selected "File-Save As", it allowed me to create a new directory 
> in my home, I entered a file name and clicked OK. I got an error stating 
> that it was unable to parse the URL; the URL being the path and file 
> name to which I had selected saving the data.  It had nothing like 
> "file://" on the beginning.  It was simply 
> "/mnt/raid/home/mj/gnucash-svn12327/books.xac".
> Both these issues seem too obvious not to have been noticed.  Any ideas?
> In 1.8.12, when selecting an account for a split in the register, 
> pressing ":" would complete the account name and allow one to select an 
> account lower in the hierarchy.  This no longer worked.  One really 
> notices the lack of convenience when it is gone.
> Mark
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