On Thursday 19 January 2006 6:11 pm, Derek Atkins wrote:
> In 
> particular, GnuCash requires that the Commodity Tables, Account list,
> and Account Balances get pre-loaded..  But all transaction information
> is loaded on demand.

I've been meaning to ask something along those lines:

When splits are loaded in a backend module, is it *essential* that the parent 
Trans exists and is open or is it a step that can be delayed until the parent 
Trans (which occurs later in the input) has been loaded? i.e. if a load 
process comes across the Split before reaching the Trans - must it create a 
holding space for the Split data? (I realise existing functions may need to 
be modified or re-implemented as private copies.)

If events are suspended until the load completes, does that make a difference?

All this assumes the creation of an intermediate QofBook that is subsequently 
merged into the main book. i.e. the data loaded from the input is not 
processed by the main application until all the content has been processed.


Neil Williams

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