On Thursday 19 January 2006 6:11 pm, you wrote:
> I'm not convinced that a QOF SQL module will actually work properly
> for GnuCash. 

Certainly in the short term, yes. I am still hoping to implement the kind of 
process that an "ordered" collection of objects may require. Such a method 
has uses beyond the sqlite backend for gnucash.

> I think we really need something more along the lines of the 'cash
> objects' XML backend, except for SQL.  Honestly, I think we DO need a
> Gnucash-specific SQL backend impementation.

OK. The embedded code will still come in handy in certain areas.

> But yes, I would certainly encourage you to come up with a good
> extensible design for a SQL backend and, once you get the design done
> (and signed off on -devel) go ahead and start working on it.

I'll sort out the design using the "simpler" objects of the embedded project 
and iron out the more obvious problems in advance. Currently, all it can do 
is open a sqlite connection, create a database from a QofObject and close the 

> I'd 
> /love/ to see a SQLite backend implemented.

As would I.

One question: sqlite <= 2 or sqlite3?


Neil Williams

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