On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 12:20:25PM -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Quoting Chris Shoemaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >Hmm, seems to be in the same vein as rcs2log and cvs2cl.  It's a bit
> >more complicated than I'd like, but I guess that's the price paid for
> >such precise control over formatting.
> *shrugs*  I figured I'd throw it out.

Well, I looked more closely at the xsl and I'm warming up to it.  It's
not nearly as complicated as I expected, and it does produce prettier

> >>I don't particularly like this option, but it's something to
> >>consider.
> >
> >Is it more the concept of deriving ChangeLog at dist-time that you
> >don't like or this implementation using xsltproc?
> I don't like the concept of deriving the ChangeLog.  

Just an idea: What if there was a "make ChangeLog" target that
triggered on dist but could also be made by anybody who wanted a local
ChangeLog file?

> I see nothing
> wrong with generating the ChangeLog by hand and then cut-and-paste
> the log message into the commit-log.  It's what I've always done, and
> as far as I can tell it's what everyone else does.  Create once, save
> twice.

I don't know how to create the changed-path list without visting every
buffer I changed.  (or recall changing)  I've been using diffstat.

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