David Hampton wrote:
On Mon, 2005-10-31 at 17:07 -0800, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
 > I have experienced a lock-up of gnucash. I was playing with one of my
 > test files and decided to open another file. Selected File -> Open ->
 > Open... . Pop-up dialog says I have not saved changes, would you like to
 > (working from memory here). I click NO. That pop-up dialog blanks out,
 > but remains on the screen and gnucash is lock-up. there is no gnucash in
 > top or ps -e.

I can't reproduce this.

Could it be that gnucash has another dialog open in the back of other windows and is waiting for input? Did you close all other open windows?

Which reminds me of another small problem related to dialog windows I just noticed: When you display the calendar in the Preferences/Summarybar and close the Preferences window (or bring it in the background) the calendar window stays open and on top of all other windows. It even stays up when switching desktops. That could be a feature. :-)

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