Quoting Chris Shoemaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I think it should be committed, disabled (maybe debug-enabled), and
picked up after G2/2.0.

I'm fine with this.  I'll provide instructions for those brave testers
to re-enable in the alpha releases.

My personal feeling is that if the code is there and working now then
we might as well just commit it now..

> I haven't removed all use of FreqSpec.  Recurrence covers a broader
> concept than FreqSpec. (start date)  IMO, Recurrence is what FreqSpec
> should've been.  I think Josh agrees.

The goal has always been to have these two systems use the same
mechanism.  I do agree that Recurrence should replace FreqSpec.

> Converting SX to use Recurrence would make for cleaner code, (IMO) a
> nicer GUI, and remove at least 2 bugs(*).  But, I think that's too big
> a job for G2 and also too big to block budgets for.  I also think it's
> better done incrementally.

(Assuming budgets are in 2.0, which I don't think they should be...) I'd
be fine if both FreqSpec and Recurrence are in the code at the commit,
and frankly even at the release.  Ideally, though, the concepts merge
ASAP, and certainly not past the following release.  I'm happy to handle
the SX side of the switch (as I generally need to cleanup the SX code),
but I'm not going to do that until after 2.0.

Agreed on all counts.

IMNSHO, if you want to commit the new budget code before 2.0, I think that
the FS/Recurrence code needs to be merged before 2.0 as well.  Personally
I'd prefer if your initial patches already had them merged....



      Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
      Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
      URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        PGP key available

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