Don't know what you mean by the "Loan Druid and SX editor", but if you examine 
the financial calculator, you will notice that it allows you to specify the 
"compounding frequency" and the "payment frequency" (you can choose the 
"Compounding"  and "Payments". Thus in the Financial Calculator you can 
select a "Canadian Loan" quite easily. 

Not too sure what you mean by "ability to specify a nominal interest rate that 
has an implicit compounding frequency that is different than the actual 
compounding frequency of the interest paid". 

In the Financial Calculator you can specify all 5 variables of any financial 
calculation, this includes the Compounding Frequency and the Payment 
Frequency. ormally the Coompounding Frequency and the Payment Frequency are 
equal and set to 12 (for monthly payments and monthly compounding). But the 
financial Calculator lets you set them to other values and they do not have 
to be equal. This lets you handle Canadian loans in the Financial Calculator 
quite easily.

I am not too sure, but are you saying that gnucash has 2 sets of financial 
equation computations and that they may be different. If so, then that is a 
situation which should be rectified.

Hope this helps.

On Sunday 27 February 2005 18:06, Ludovic Nicolle wrote:
> Hey guys,
> so this is my first post, so be indulgent if possible. thanks.
> As a canadian user trying to use the Loan Druid and SX editor, one
> feature that was missing was the ability to specify a nominal interest
> rate that has an implicit compounding frequency that is different than
> the actual compounding frequency of the interest paid.
> (Yes I know, this sounds weird, but this is the way canadian mortgage
> rates work, probably because 200 years ago doing a multiplication was
> more costly than actually building the house, so they reduced the
> number of calculations done.)
> Anyway, there is a somewhat easy way to translate the canadian posted
> rate to an effective periodic rate. One can use that rate with the
> "standard" formula and get the good results, but you have to know the
> proper formula, and enter it properly in the Sx editor, and know scheme
> keywords. Not very user friendly.
> So I have created a patch that contains 4 functions. One to do that
> translation of nominal to effective rates based on the 2 compounding
> frequencies. Three other functions are the cpd equivalent of the
> gnc:pmt, gnc:ipmt and gnc:ppmt functions, with the conversion builtin,
> so it's easier to use in the SX editor.
> One more feature that was bugging me while working on this is that the
> sum of interest and principal was often not equal to the payment. So
> the the 3 cpd_ functions in the patch have a builtin rounding at the
> 2nd decimal. This precision is hardcoded, so i don't really like it,
> but I think it can be fixed in a later patch.
> So i created this bug
> with the patch attached.
> jsled, this is your realm, so I guess you are the one who should give
> me the most feedback. ;-)
> Ludo
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> gnucash-devel mailing list


"A human being is part of the whole called by us the 
Universe. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and 
feelings as something separated from the rest --a kind 
of optical delusion of consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting 
us to our personal desires and to affection for a few 
persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves 
from this prison by widening our circle of compassion 
to embrace all living creatures, and the whole of 
nature in its beauty."

Albert Einstein.
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of 
thinking we used when we created them." 
--Albert Einstein


We have the best government money can buy, and it has.

Terry Boldt.     


You must decide: 

Are you a body with a soul or a soul with a body?

Terry Boldt


When you change the way you look at things, 
the things you look at change.

Paraphrasing Ben Franklin:

Those who sacrifice freedom for safety, have neither.

The exact quote:               

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
  Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790),
  US author, diplomat, inventor, physicist, politician, & printer
  Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

A thought often repeated becomes an act, an act often
repeated becomes a habit, a habit often repeated,
a character and a settled character molds the very
destiny of man.

Man is the master of his own destiny.

"The Voice of Babaji", Page 236
What man thinks, that he becomes

Common sense is so very extraordinary 
for being for so very uncommon.

Terry Boldt
To say what is real,
Must be exactly what we feel,
To speak of the truth,
And be open this way,
Is to say what you mean,
And mean what you say.

Pearl Boldt
"If you don't know, you cannot teach, except by faith.
And faith implies doubt. Doubt and the resulting
repression of doubt breed fanaticism and intolerance.
Worse, they breed ignorance pretending to infallibility,
which breeds charlatans and blind followers."

"Muddy Tracks", Frank DeMarco, page xxv
"for without time,no thought of anything is possible;
without space, no conception of anything is possible and
without causation no consideration of anything is possible. And
again, time space and causation generally appear inter-related
in our consciousness not dependent of one another.
So the mind lives, moves and has its existence in these
three notions, which are necessarily finite, owing to
their perceptional value and without which we cannot think,
conceive or imagine anything. Deprived of these three,
the constitution of the mind breaks down."

"The Voice of Babaji", Page 442-443
"The definition of and the mystery and meaning of faith,
will open like a flower, only while sitting in silence.
Faith in something greater than oneself is tantamount to
a veil being withdrawn from the depths and distances
glimmering within, and a feeling of eternal hunger for
peace and fullness, for all that the distracted world
of today denies. It is not possible to discover the Real
and abide in it, except by our own experience."

"The Voice of Babaji", Page 444

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