On Friday 25 February 2005 5:08 am, Chris Lyttle wrote:
> Neil,
> I've not attempted to validate the xml in the docs for use to convert to
> pdf, just that its valid for conversion to html which the build script
> does. Its possible to do this, but I'd rather not add the MB of pdf to
> the docs build

That's fine, we can leave it to the user to create the PDF - most people don't 
need it but it would make it easier to keep the PDF updated. It doesn't need 
to be a build target, just a note in the README and then syntax corrections. 
If there are any other requirements, I'll let you know.

> and I haven't really had a lot of time to do more than 
> release new docs whenever someone updates them. Basically, anyone who
> wants to submit patches to have the docs easily convert to pdf using
> docbook2pdf is welcome.

OK. I'll check the error reports and commit any necessary syntax changes.

> I'm not sure I understand your comment about 
> using docbook-xsl as this is from what I understand the standard toolset
> for use with docbook.

docbook2pdf and the other docbook-utils tools use Perl and bash to create a 
jade command that then uses the xsl. i.e. when using docbook-utils, all the 
xsl stuff is hidden away. It's a convenience wrapper.


Neil Williams

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