It's from gnucash-1.6 (or maybe even 1.4).  There's no equivalent in
the current gnucash-1.8 docs.  Feel free to submit an up to date
version to the doc maintainer.


David Reiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>   I have a copy of xacc-repdev.sgml that I could send you. I dug it
> out of some repository, but by now I have no recollection of its
> source. Since it's sgml instead of html, it isn't too pretty on my Mac
> (haven't found a generic sgml renderer yet), but it is readable in a
> text editor.
> Dave
> On Jan 7, 2005, at 12:21 AM, Benjamin So wrote:
>> Thanks, Josh.
>> I was able to locate the Hello World report on my local
>> installation, but the tutorial isn't there. I used Fink to install
>> Gnucash, so I was expecting the path
>> /usr/local/share/gnome/help/gnucash/C/xacc-repdev.html to translate
>> to /sw/share/gnome/help/gnucash/C/xacc-repdev.html, but although the
>> directory structure up to C exists on my local disk, there's no file
>> called xacc-repdev.html. Is there an online version of this document
>> somewhere? I tried the CVS repository, but didn't have any luck
>> there either.
>> Ben
>> On 7/01/2005, at 3:21, Josh Sled wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2005-01-06 at 09:13, Josh Sled wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 2005-01-05 at 09:20, Benjamin So wrote:
>>>>> So the question is what is the best way to get my hands dirty in
>>>>> writing custom reports. I'm sure this topic must already have been
>>>>> covered in an earlier discussion, but I didn't have much luck
>>>>> searching
>>>>> the archives. Is there some sort of tutorial to get me started? I
>>>>> have
>>>>> a reasonable amount of programming knowledge, but none of it is in
>>>>> Scheme. I saw a reference to the Hello World report, but was
>>>>> unable to
>>>>> find the corresponding source file. In any case, a simple tutorial
>>>>> would be very useful, is one exists.
>>>> I don't think there's a tutorial or how to...
>>> I spoke too soon; see the bottom of
>>> ...jsled
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
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