On Thu, 2005-01-06 at 09:05 -0500, Josh Sled wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-01-06 at 06:29, Michael Curtis wrote:
> > I guess there's some further hard-coded information in gnucash which has a 
> > list of sources.  Where might I find this...?
> Unfortunately, these lists are hard-coded into the gnucash "engine"
> code; specifically, look at:

Yep.  You can make gnucash work with your new module by installing it
with the same name as an existing F::Q module you aren't using.  You may
have to tweak F::Q though.

IIRC, this is fixed in the cvs HEAD and g2 branches.  They will consult
F::Q for what modules are supported, and automatically add entries any
newer modules that are installed (without the pretty names though).


P.S.  Please post your module to finance-quote-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (or send it to me directly) and I will see
about getting it checked into the F::Q sources.

P.P.S.  Any chance you wrote a test module to go with your quote module?

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