> I'll get something to you in the next few days.
> Dave

Well, it been more than a few days, but here are the changes I propose
for the concept guide.

The first page I worked on was

I basically rewrote the entire page.  The attached file called
basic_concepts shows the original  text and my changes.  Note, that I
would keep the note that's at the bottom of the page regarding tax

Then second page was

I did away with the first section on estimating valuation and
renumbered the section depreciation schemes to 11.2.  The attached
file depreciation_schemes shows the origianal text and my changes.
Note that I am not proposing any changes to the three examples, nor
any of the following pages in that section.

Let me know what you think.


Attachment: basic_concepts
Description: Binary data

Attachment: depreciation_schemes
Description: Binary data

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