On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 03:52:15AM -0800, Dave Peticolas wrote:
>  1.6.5  - 16 December 2001
>          o Euro conversion druid
>          o Updated or new translations for Brazilian Portuguese,
>            Danish, German, Nicaraguan Spanish, Norwegian, Portuguese,
>            Slovak, Spanish, and Swedish
>          o minor bug fixes

        Just one small request, after I gave this a swift compile. Could it be 
possible have the --enable-sql flag to configure accept a path to the 
installation for PostgreSQL? By default, when one compiles the postgresql 
source, the binary, libs, includes, et. al, go into /usr/local/pgsql. when 
autoconfed, gnucash goes to look for libpq-fe.h, and tries to find it, in 
pgsql/, postgresql/, then by itself.. something along the lines of:

        for ac_hdr in pgsql/libpq-fe.h postgresql/libpq-fe.h libpq-fe.h ...

        There is no prefixed path given to these, for them to be found, and 
ultimately fail. If they were given at configuring time, they could easily be 
passed to these, and find what they're suppsoed to find; like when someone 
specifies the base directory for their gnome installation to be in /opt/gnome.

        could this be given a try, and if needing a default, give 
/usr/lib/postgresql, so most software dists don't have to worry with including 
programs put in odd places? I don't see where this would hurt.. if it does, 
lemme know. :) I hacked configure in my tree for 1.6.5 to find it in the right 
places, but supplying a path to it would be tons easier.

Brad Littlejohn                         | Email:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unix Systems Administrator,             |           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web + NewsMaster, BOFH.. Smeghead! :)   |   http://www.wizard.com/~tyketto
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