I'd rather see all this configuration information stored again as part
of the Backend.  Let's take a distributed, multi-client environment
(client/server) where we've got 10 years of data stored in books
closed every quarter.  You now have a new user who wants to access the
data for the first time.  How do they tell the system "this is where
the set of books is located"?

I'd like to be able to centrally store the information about multiple
books, instead of having each user store it on their client.


James LewisMoss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Derek Atkins comments made me think of something more here.
> This could make accessing backends easier as well.  Instead of the
> files containing the real data they could be pointers into different
> backends.
> So
> TestAccount/Info could be (using a pseudo format cause I don't want to
> write xml right now)
> Options: file:config.options
> Reports: file:DefaultReports
> SomeOtherThing: etc
> Book: <guid>
> Name: Year1999
> Location: file:Year1999
> ClosedOn: 1999-12-31
> Book: <guid>
> Name: Year2000
> Location: file:Year2000
> ClosedOn: 2000-12-31
> Book: <guid>
> Name: Current
> Location: file:Current
> or it could be
> Options: file:config.options
> Reports: file:DefaultReports
> SomeOtherThing: etc
> Book: <guid>
> Name: Year1999
> Location: postgresdb: localhost:Year1999
> ClosedOn: 1999-12-31
> Book: <guid>
> Name: Year2000
> Location: postgresdb: localhost:Year2000
> ClosedOn: 2000-12-31
> Book: <guid>
> Name: Current
> Location: postgresdb: localhost:Current
> In the first example the files are there.  In the second they don't
> exist. 
> Of course this isn't meant to be the right data just an example.
> Jim
> -- 
> @James LewisMoss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      |  Blessed Be!
> @    http://jimdres.home.mindspring.com |  Linux is kewl!
> @"Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours." Bach
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
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