> I was thinking the other day on how to implement an a/r a/p register.
> One thing that the register needs is a per-transaction 'date due'
> field. (yes, there are other possible sol'ns but bear with me).
> Well, we could hard-wire the date-due field into a new account type a/r
> a/p.  Alternately, we could specify the register layout with kvp data
> associated with the account.
> --linas

Can I say, I really like that idea - we have the KVP frames so why not
use them. Maybe an account-attached KVP meta-frame (called, for example
FIELDS) that contains details on what fields and KVP data that account
expects to have displayed.
Has a number of advantages (off the top of my head):
- can be user-editable (maybe).
- is flexable and extendable.
- can be used even with current registers (like, for example, I never
use the memo, action or reconciled fields and could (maybe) turn them
- taking it a step further, could lead to a generalisation of the STOCK
and MUTUAL account types to just being normal registers with fields
turned on that are normally turned off.
- extending the theory even further, could be set to allow
user-configurable sizes for the different fields (and maybe different
options - maybe permit time to be displayed in the date field for
example, show short or full account names in the account fields, and
many many others).
- plus what Linas said.

Would require a rethink of how things are set out on the register (and
possibly a significant rewrite,particularly for my more ambitious

Dammit, have I hope I haven't just volunteered for something.

Conrad Canterford  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Water Sprite Pty Ltd   |  Watersprite Pty Ltd:
GPO Box 355,           |  - Australian Tour and Event Management (ATEM)
Canberra, ACT 2601     |  - Ticketing Division.
Mobile: +61 419 122553 |  - Catering Services Division.
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