Bill Gribble writes:
> On Tue, Jan 16, 2001 at 03:53:49PM +1100, Robert Graham Merkel wrote:
> > Hey grib, I'm almost to the point of doing useful things
> > with panes (finally). One of the final things that needs
> > to be in place is a renderer along the lines of the
> > gnc:html-*foo*-render that are required to display guppi
> > charts in reports.
> I'm skeptical that this is what you need. The html-*-render functions
> are strictly for block-level structural elements of HTML, and I don't
> think you are defining any new kinds of block level HTML elements, are
> you?
> Tell me more about what you are doing. Oh, wait.. are you talking
> about a renderer for the mainwindow account tree? That makes sense.
Correct. Sorry I wasn't more explicit.
> To answer your question, the arguments to the html-foo-render
> functions are (1) the object to render and (2) the HTML document to
> render into. You need to have the document in order to get inherited
> style infomation. ATM, the Guppi objects all ignore the style
> information since they are sort of a special case of HTML rendering,
> but in the future they might respect 'data style' (for example how
> many decimal digits to display in legends) or default colors or
> somesuch.
yep, makes sense. I get suspicious in guile when I see functions with
fewer or more arguments than they use - it tends to suggest there's
something going on I don't understand :-)
> To add a new type of html object, you need to do two things: basically
> cut-n-paste html-piechart.scm with appropriate changes for the new
> object type, then patch the 'cond' statement at html-document.scm:341
> to add the new class. This is a bassackwards attempt to get some sort
> of genericity... with a real object system there would be an
> inheritance relationship between <html-object> and the various
> <html-foo> classes.
Yep. Maybe in the future GOOPS will be the go for this sort of thing.
> Hope this is clear. Let me know if it ain't.
Yep. The only thing I need to figure out is "callbacks". Your example
account-tree report doesn't mention them. I'm about to dig through
the code to see if I can figure it out.
Thanks for your help.
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