Tyson Dowd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> No.  But if you are going to add RPC to this system, then you might as
> well adopt the SOAP standards, since it's a no more work than rolling
> your own. 

What the hell are you talking about?  Are you just pulling this SH*T
out of your ass or something????  Do you even know what SunRPC is?
Have you even looked at CORBA?  Or are you just trolling, throwing out
complete nonesense just to see what kind of reaction you can get from

RPC or CORBA is no more roll-your-own than any other API-based system.
You define your API and then use well-defined tools to build your
well-defined interfaces.  Also, both RPC and CORBA have well-defined
subsystems that you use to implement the core (marshalling, transport,
etc).  Indeed, the whole SunRPC subsystem is included in GLIBC (and
many other libc's) so we wouldn't even need anything that isn't
already on your system.

> As opposed to the roll-your own technology, which is stable and static,
> I assume ;-)


> There is definitely the problem that SOAP is a bit of a moving target,
> and that support for it is immature.  But that can't really cause any
> problems when your alternative is to roll-your own!  You can always stop
> tracking the changes and start making your own modifications if you
> want.

This is a huge problem.  And you can't stop tracking changes unless
you incorporate the whole SOAP subsystem within GnuCash.  Ewwww..

> Hmmm...  CORBA over IIOP is practically the same. 
> I doubt there will be a measurable diffence.

I haven't done any CORBA/IIOP measurements personally, however you
only need a single connection between any two ORBs and messages are, I
believe, multiplexed across.  You also get the difference in that
CORBA can be used from C whereas (currently) SOAP cannot.  Unless, of
course, you roll your own. ;)

> If the applications are in the same address space it will be heaps
> slower.  But otherwise, I can't see any huge efficiency differences in
> the network protocols, except that IIOP will be blocked by most
> firewalls, where as SOAP over HTTP will not.  Is there something I'm
> missing?

Being able to differentiate between GnuCash transactions and regular
HTTP is actually a GOOD THING!  You WANT to be able to firewall off
your financial system.  (I never said firewalls are evil, just that
firewalls should never be used ALONE. :) You want to be able to
specifically allow or disallow connections of this manner.  And all
firewalls are configurable, but not all firewalls can actually look
into the protocol and tell the difference between SOAP and Porn.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        PGP key available

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