On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 08:55:34PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> OK, here's the dope:
> I don't think rob is entirely aware of the possibilities that his XML
> file format opens up. Some of the readers of this mailing list may
> also not be aware of what demos grib has done with embedding guppi
> in html. I don't know how many people are aware that the cvs branch
> of gnucash has a web browser more-or-less built into it. Its not a
> great all-purpose browser, but for the following example, that don't
> matter.
> GnuCash is just inches away from being a financial ASP website.
> Here's how:
> I beleive the above architecture renders the whole previous
> discussion moot. I also think its a very, very exciting thing to do.
> It solves a number of technical issues, such as multi-user, that
> have been plaguing us. Next, it give us world-class financial ASP
> capabilites. Finally, I think this is what microsoft is thinking
> about when it talks .net and this alone makes it important for us
> to do this more/better/faster.
Does this mean you are envisioning a server which can handle more than
one set of accounts and more than one set of transactions?
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Power and compassion,
Honor and humility,
Mirth and reverence within you.
-- from The Charge of the Goddess, Doreen Valiente
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