Other thoughts:
In your SECURITY section:
> Are we going to configure the database to use a separate login for each
> user (individual username and pw for the database *itself*), or are we
> going to handle that level of security ourselves, and then log into the
> database using a single username?
Most database support auth'ing database users against the OS's auth
method. Essentially, once you've logged into the system, as long as
you're listed as a valid database user, you're okay. I suggest we use
this method.
In the SCHEMA the split table still has some MONEY types in it
(*_balance). Should not these columns be RATIONAL ?
I heartily approve the the idea of an API the way you suggest. May I
suggest that we attempt to provide an database API layer that closely
matches the current functions in src/engine/FileIO.c. This would
hopefully minimize the need to change gnucash to get it to work with a
database, at least as a first implementation. (disclaimer: I haven't
looked at the 1.5.* source at all, and don't know if this might still be
-- Pat
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Patrick Spinler email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mayo Foundation phone: 507/284-9485
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