Paul Fenwick writes:
> --LZvS9be/3tNcYl/X
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> G'day GnuCash developers,
> On Tue, Dec 12, 2000 at 05:59:12PM -0800, Dave Peticolas wrote:
> [snippage]
> > We already do online quotes, but that work is 'outsourced' to the
> > Finance::Quote program (available on sourceforge). It is a separate
> > project from GnuCash.
> Yes, and I've been very bad because I haven't been updating F::Q
> to take advantage of new features, and I haven't been hanging around
> the development list as I should have been. The main reasons for
> this is that my day job has been keeping me incredibly busy, and
> that combining with purchasing a house has left me short of time.
> The good news is that I'm giving up the day-job to go back to
> consulting, which should hopefully leave me with much more time
> for open-source development and other things I enjoy. :) The
> real leap in free-time will happen in mid-January, so I'll
> probably still be a little scarce until then.
We'll be glad to have you back :) Rob B. is going to do our price db
and, in the process, hopefully use some of F::Q's new features.
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