On Tue, Dec 12, 2000 at 10:04:49AM +1100, Robert Graham Merkel wrote:
> Phillip J Shelton writes:
>  > Would also having the date functions in this library be a good thing?
> On the face of it, that's not a bad idea.  However, the gnumeric
> people to some extent have already had their date representation and
> functions decided for them (by the desire for Excel combatability),
> whereas we are free to do whatever we want in regards to
> representation, and we have some rather complex goals which will
> probably *require* a more complex representation.
> In summary, I'm certainly not opposed, but I don't know whether it's
> we have a natural match of requirements like we do for financial
> functions.  

IMHO date  functions are  not such  a big  deal.  Believe  me, Excel
provides excellent set of date functions - and if gnumeric can match
them, we'll be in good shape.  Even such requirements as "3rd Friday
of the  month" can be done  relatively easy with Excel.   Excel also
lets you to easily specify a locale-specific set of holidays.

To my knowledge, there're two excellent sets of date implementations

1) OSE C++ library
2) Date::Manip Perl module - it's so complete, I'd call it excessive


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