I recently discovered that all amounts in, say, the Profit and Loss Report
are positive. Somehow all minus signs disappeared... and this happens in
the function
DxaccPrintAmount (double dval, GNCPrintAmountInfo info)
by calling
val = double_to_gnc_numeric (ABS (dval), 10000, GNC_RND_ROUND);
Is it intentional that there will be no negative amounts printed? The
respective scheme function, gnc:amount->string-helper, is nothing more
than a wrapper for DxaccPrintAmount right now, so one of these two
funtions should probably be changed.
It seems that the absolute value in DxaccPrintAmount was checked in CVS
with the following log entry:
revision 1.6
date: 2000/11/08 10:53:35; author: peticolas; state: Exp; lines: +44 -74
More numerics conversions.
So, Dave, how do we get the negative amounts into the reports?
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