James LewisMoss writes:
> Dave> Yes, it seemed to me that 1) (with respect to the GUI) was a
> Dave> part of 2), so it made sense to me to combine them. But perhaps
> Dave> they should be separate things.
> I agree. Just seemed the email introduced what was going on as 1 when
> in fact it was 2 which happens to include 1. Just confused here. :)
I started writing it thinking about refresh, and then started getting
into other things :) I should have gone back and re-written the intro.
> Dave> You could use this to, say, close all components in a
> Dave> particular class (e.g., close all help windows). Close
> Dave> operations such as this are already used.
> Sounds good. Sorry to bug you with a bunch of questions.
No problem, I now know what I need to put in the design docs.
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