[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Gribble) writes:
> On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 01:35:51PM -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
> > > Make sure that you are entering the proper default account name for
> > > each file. "moneymarket" is different from "MoneyMarket", and to
> > > match the transactions the account names must be identical.
> >
> > In the dialog I match the accounts/categories properly from qif->gnc.
> > Perhaps the importer is matching on qif names and not gnc names?
> Yes, absolutely. It's trying to find matching QIF transactions, so
> the only names that matter are the ones Quicken uses. You have to
> enter the right name in the "Default account name" field for the file
> in 1.4 (or the equivalent in 1.5). The mappings are irrelevant to
> matching the duplicates.
Um, I think this may be a bug, and it certainly explains why things
are failing for me. The QIF names do NOT match across all my QIF
files, because they all came from different sources. How am I
supposed to get various organizations to agree on what they call each
other? It would be much better, IMHO, to use the gnc mappings -- that
way I have a say in what is being mapped to each other, and the fact
that Netbank and Vanguard can't agree on what they call each other
(and themselves) doesn't get in the way.
Another idea... Perhaps we can add another step in the process, where
"potentially duplicate" transactions are displayed and the user has
the chance to mark them as duplicates or not?
Yet another feature I would like to see is 'fuzzy matching'..
Sometimes a transfer from one account to another may take a day or
two, so the dates may be off by a day or two.
> > In both 1.4 and 1.5 I am using existing accounts.
> When I said 1.5 I mean a really recent 1.5 with the druid-style
> QIF importer. That one is the one that crashed.
I'm using 1.4 and the most-recent-CVS (well, as of yesterday afternoon
> b.g.
PS: I'm trying to refresh my scheme knowledge (have't touched scheme
since around '95) and learn the gnucash sources.. So I'm asking
instead of doing. Hopefully that will change as my knowledge of
gnucash increases.
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL N1NWH
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