I'm not sure of this so if I miss step would some one please shoot me

That said I believe what you are encountering is an RPM Database
issue. The Rpm program maintains a database on your machine of all of the
program's that it has installed, their dependencies as well as the files
that they provide.  When you go to install something new(gnucash) it
checks that packages dependency's against files/versions that it already
has. If it does not read having the required files it errors. If you
installed the packages manually(tarball's without RPM) the files necessary
are present on the machine and the software will run but they are not
entered into the RPM database.

This may be the case or a database problem or a version conflict.

hope that helps. 

On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Jack wrote:

> I just installed the 1.4.5 rpm on Mandrake 7.1 with the following anomolies:
> When I first tried to install with kpackage, it indicated that I had the
> following missing dependencies:
>       libguile.so.4
>       libreadline.so.3
> Since I had the following installed:
>       libguile.so.6.0.0
>       libreadline.so.4.1
> I simply provided symbolic links from the missing to the installed, ran
> ldconfig and tried again. Kpackage still showed the same missing dependencies,
> so I did a shutdown and restart with the same result. Finally, I told kpackage
> to ignore dependencies and install anyway. Gnucash 1.4.5 now appears to
> function without a problem!
> QUESTION: Am I missing something, or is a disaster waiting in the wings???
>   -- 
> Regards, Jack Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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