So, I wanted to have all the accounts set up without waiting for the
text-import feature to become available. I figure that importing a text
file of just accounts is much quicker than a general facility.
I was debating whether to do it in scheme or Perl. I finally chose Perl
because I program in it daily. My only worry here is that I've heard
that it might be going away some time soon due to problems with swig.
I didn't want to do scheme even though it seems to be preferred since
the last lisp I wrote that wasn't configuring Gnus or XEmacs was over 10
years ago...
So, here's the code. I grabbed much of it from gnc-prices and the rest
from gandering at the C code. Of course, the create_account would come
from a file. This is just an example and I want to get to bed.
I do have two questions about this over and above any problems with my
1) Is there a way to get a list of all the entries in account_type_name
so I don't have a static list in my file that can go out of date.
2) Do I need to call xaccFreeAccount? Since I'm exiting immediately,
it's not a big deal. But I do prefer a free for every malloc. :)
use lib qw(/usr/share/gnucash/perl /usr/lib/gnucash/perl);
use gnucash;
my $sess = gnucash::xaccMallocSession();
my $grp = gnucash::xaccSessionBeginFile($sess,$ARGV[0]);
$grp || die "failed to read file $ARGV[0], maybe its locked?";
# real code to read and parse a chart of accounts goes here...
my $parent = create_account("Liabilities", 4, "300", "General Liabilities", "USD",
$grp, undef);
create_account("Loans Payable", 4, "310", "Parent of all Loans", "USD", $grp,
exit 0;
sub create_account
my ($name, $type, $code, $desc, $currency, $grp, $parent) = @_;
@_ == 7 || die "Invalid number of parameters to create_account.\nShould be 7,
was " . scalar(@_) . "\n";
my $acct = gnucash::xaccMallocAccount() || die "Unable to create account
# considering it was just created there shouldn't be anything to balance
gnucash::xaccAccountBeginEdit($acct, 1);
gnucash::xaccAccountSetName($acct, $name);
gnucash::xaccAccountSetType($acct, $type);
gnucash::xaccAccountSetCode($acct, $code);
gnucash::xaccAccountSetDescription($acct, $desc);
gnucash::xaccAccountSetCurrency($acct, $currency);
if ($parent)
gnucash::xaccAccountBeginEdit($parent, 0);
gnucash::xaccInsertSubAccount($parent, $acct);
gnucash::xaccGroupInsertAccount($grp, $acct);
Darren Stalder/2608 Second Ave, @282/Seattle, WA 98121-1212/USA/+1-206-ELF-LIPZ
@ Sysadmin, webweaver, postmaster for hire. C/Perl/CGI/Pilot programmer/tutor @
@ Make a little hot-tub in your soul. @
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