FWIW, the mdk object RPMs at the URL you suggested are for 686, and I've got
a "586".
Someone else (I can't find the e-mail at the moment) suggested tuning off
"dependancy checking" (the command line RPM install). I hadn't noticed that
I could "uncheck" the "check dependancy" button on kpackage, which I did, and
it installed. Once the soft-links were (re)planted for the .so's GnuCash wants
(pointing to the current versions), GnuCash at least comes up, though I don't
have time to actually try using it tonight. (All I really need out of it is
checking account tracking.)
Rod had written that the installation is much improved. Well, the RPM concept
has dramatically improved installation of _all_ packages that use it. FWIW,
I remember the days when "installing" software meant running a few boxes of
punch-cards through the card reader... or runing a waste-basket full of
punched paper tape through the reader.
I noticed someone said that GnuCash was #1 on hits... that does suggest that
"installation concerns" need to be addressed for the next release.
Dave Peticolas wrote:
> Clark Jones writes:
> > Hi!
> >
> > Sorry to have to use this venue for this, but I didn't see a "report bugs"
> > on the gnucash.org web page.
> >
> > First a brief word of background: I have been developing system-level
> > software professionally for over 20 years, mostly highly specialized
> > compilers. I've dealt with a lot of software over the years, and go back
> > to the days when "editing" meant sitting at a card-punch (keypunch) machine.
> >
> > I've just tried to install gnucash 1.4.0-1 under Mandrake 7.0 from the
> > RPM that I downloaded from the "mirror" site. Unfortunately the package
> > is wanting libguile.so.4 and libreadline.so.3. However, the currently
> > available RPMs for guile contain /usr/lib/libguile.so.6.0.0 with softlinks
> > from libguile.so.1, libguile.so.5, and libguile.so.6 to it, and the currently
> > available RPM for readline (readline-4.1) contains /usr/lib/readline.so.4.1
> > with a softlink from libreadline.so.4 to it.
> >
> > I also tried planting additional softlinks for libguile.so.4 and
> > libreadline.so.3 in /usr/lib, but this still didn't make kpackage any happier
> Sorry about the problems you've been having. The rpms on the gnucash
> website were created for RedHat 6.2, which uses guile-1.3, not guile-1.3.4.
> However, Scott Haug has graciously created a guile rpm for Mandrake that
> creates the needed .so links, but still uses guile-1.3.4 so you don't break
> other dependencies. It is available at:
> ftp://ftp.gnucash.org/pub/gnucash/redhat-6.x/upgrade/
> You'll want to get the guile*mdk*.rpm.
> thanks,
> dave
> --
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