> Glen Ditchfield writes:
> > If I open an account file with GnuCash 1.3.99, and if I immediately re-open
> > the file (either through the File > Open... dialog or by selecting
> > the file directly from the recent file list under File), I get an error alert
> > saying that "the file /home/gjditchf/rats-nest.xac appears to be in use by
> > another user...".
Perhaps the messge should say, "You have already opened this file,"
assuming Gnucash know what files are open.
> > If I make any changes before re-opening the file, I am prompted to save th
> > changes first, but then I get the error alert.
> > My first thought was that GnuCash should treat this as a no-op and just
> > leave the file open, but perhaps it should ask whether I want to revert to th
> > saved version?
> >
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