One priece of sub-optimal behaviour I have noticed with QIF
importation is the association with a specific GNUCASH account. I can
choose the account from the "Accounts" tab after loading it, but the
association is a once-off thing which isn't saved between sessions.
Of course I can choose whatever filenames I choose for the QIF files
-- in fact I have to -- I have more than one account and the default
name my bank supplies is the same for each, so I have to modify the
name for a download.
Any ideas on the best way to handle this?
Keith Refson
Dr Keith Refson, "Paradigm is a word too often used by those who would
Dept of Earth Sciences like to have a new idea but cannot think of one."
Parks Road, -- Mervyn King, Deputy Governor, Bank of England
Oxford OX1 3PR, UK
Keith.Refson@ Tel: 01865 272026 Fax: 01865 272072
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